SCELG PublicationsFresh Water

  • Mara Tignino, Raya Marina Stephan, Renée Martin-Nagle & Owen McIntyre (eds), (2019) 'Bridging science and policy: legal perspectives’ (2019) 44:3 Water International 255-377, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2019.1600250
  • Francesco Sindico, L Movilla, "The interplay between the UN Watercourses Convention and the Law on Transboundary Aquifers (Article 2)" (2018) Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses
  • Francesco Sindico, Ricardo Hirata, Alberto Manganelli, "The Guarani Aquifer System: from a beacon of hope to a question mark in the management/governance of transboundary aquifers" (2018) Journal of Hydrology Regional Studies
  • Francesco Sindico, "The Guarani Aquifer Agreement 2010" (2017) Multilateral Environmental Treaties 299-310
  • Mallory Orme, Zoë Cuthbert, Francesco Sindico, Julie Gibson & Renice Bostic, “Good transboundary water governance in the 2015 Sustainable Development Goals: a legal perspective” (2015) 40 Water International, 969-983
  • Elisa Morgera, “EU Water Law” in Palermo and Alberton (eds), Environmental Protection in Multi-layered Systems. Comparative Lessons from the Water Sector (Martinus Nijhoff, 2012) 265-287
  • Elisa Morgera and Elsa Tsioumani, 'The Evolution of Benefit-sharing: Linking Biodiversity and Community Livelihoods' (2010) 20 Review of European Community and International Environmental Law 150-173